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Why should I choose Vivo?We want you to achieve and we will keep offering you the best musical training, and we like to throw in a couple of freebies too! How about a free lesson here and there? You will have perfomance opportunities, and if you're into composition, song writing or you need any musical help, we have experts in all fields! We have great networks, and you will benefit from our community.
How do I pay for lessons online?Via bank transfer. We kindly ask that you secure your regular lesson slots by paying the termly fees via bank transfer to Terry.The bank transfer details are as follows: Account Name: STEPANYAK T Account Number: 27010511 Sort Code: 56-00-33 Ref: ‘Vivo Music'
Can I pay in cash? What's the payment policy?Yes.... PAYMENT POLICY (All payments must be either in Cash/Bank transfer) TERMLY PREPAID LESSONS All lesson slots must be prebooked in advance. This ensures that all lessons are arranged ahead of time and efficiently.
Can I start to learn an instrument even if I have never had any prior experience?Yes, you will, no matter what level you are! Our teachers will help you reach the desired stage, as long as you tell us where you would like to go in your musical endevours. Also, if you do not own an instrument of your own, you can rent one before deciding whether you would like to buy your own.
When are your working hours?We are currently teaching at Hendon Library, and are working on Wednesdays (between 4pm-7pm) and Saturdays (10am-12.45pm). These are likely to change, as we are building up our groups.
What are the termly lesson details?Lessons - Wednesday 5 September 2018 to Saturday 22 December 2018 Christmas/New Year holiday Lessons - Monday 7 January 2019 to Thursday 18th April 2019 Easter Weekend- Good Friday (19th)- Monday 22 April Lessons - Tuesday 23 April 2019 to Tuesday 23 July 2019 Summer Holiday! (There are approximately 13-15 sessions per term.) *All holidays/days off are in italics Please note that lessons are ongoing during half terms, therefore these have been excluded from holidays and days off. However, if for any reason, you wish to reschedule a lesson during any half terms, please notify us a week before the start of the half term.
What if I need to cancel a lesson?The cancellation policy is as follows: There are no refunds for termly lessons.The Student may cancel tuition by giving 48 hours prior notice, but at the discretion of the tutor. If a cancellation is agreed with the tutor, the cancelled lesson, however, must be made up within the same month.
Can I drop in?Yes, but that inccurs an additional £2 fee on top of the original price.
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